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Don't Wait Until It's Too Late: How to Combat Muscle Loss as You Age

  • Muscle loss can drastically change our quality of life as we age and starts earlier than we might expect. After the age of 40, we can lose up to 8 percent of our muscle mass each decade, which can nearly double after the age of 70.

  • Protein is a muscle-friendly nutrient that can help our bodies maintain or rebuild muscle, with older adults needing nearly twice as much protein as younger adults.

  • Other nutrients that support muscle health include HMB, Vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium.

  • Resistance training can help maintain healthy muscles and build new layers, with lifting weights or using resistance bands being particularly beneficial.

  • Maintaining muscle and strength as we age is not an inevitability, and by choosing the right foods and developing exercise habits that prioritize muscle health, we can minimize or slow the process of muscle loss.

We use our muscles for every move we make, but we rarely think about muscle loss and how it can drastically change our quality of life as we age. The loss of muscle mass and strength, known medically as sarcopenia, can happen gradually and often goes unnoticed until a major hiccup happens in our health. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of maintaining muscle mass and provide tips on how to combat muscle loss as you age.

The Importance of Maintaining Muscle: After the age of 40, we can lose up to 8 percent of our muscle mass each decade, and after the age of 70, that loss can nearly double, up to 15 percent a decade. This loss of muscle can lead to a weaker grip, difficulty standing up, and shortness of breath. It can also increase the risk of falls, fractures, and chronic injury.

Warning Signs of Muscle Loss: If you are experiencing age-related muscle loss, you may be more easily winded, experience a weaker grip, and notice that your muscles continue to weaken. As muscle loss progresses, you may walk more slowly, your balance may be affected, and you may be vulnerable to chronic injury.

Tips to Combat Muscle Loss: To combat muscle loss, it is important to take a hard look at our diets and develop exercise habits that prioritize the health of our muscles. Eating protein-rich foods right after exercising can increase the body's tissue-building rate. Older adults need nearly twice as much protein as younger adults to combat muscle loss. Additionally, resistance training, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands, can keep everyday tasks easy and reverse some of the damage caused by muscle loss.

Conclusion: The essential thing is to make these moves early and keep paying close attention to your muscles. Maintaining muscle is one of the most important things you can do, and doing so doesn't mean hours in the gym. By making sure that you're in the best possible shape, you can live a great life now and have really good health down the road. Don't wait until it's too late to combat muscle loss.

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